Periodontitis Treatment and Oral Hygiene in Gdansk
We have been successfully treating periodontosis in our surgeries for many years. Periodontitis results from disease of the tissues surrounding teeth. It is a long-lasting and destructive process which, without professional treatment, leads to tooth loss. We use the most effective methods to treat periodontitis, which allow us to save the teeth of our patients for many years. Each patient has an individually planned treatment, which involves the removal of bacteria found in dental plaque and tartar. Professional treatment in our office often involves a number of procedures, such as: scaling (descaling), deep scaling (curettage) and root planing. Scaling consists of removing deposits above and below the gumline using an ultrasonic device (scaler). Deep scaling, which is very often performed under anaesthesia, uses a special ultrasonic tip while tooth pockets are simultaneously rinsed with an antibacterial liquid or using special curettes. We schedule check-ups after scaling and curettage because periodontitis requires long-term treatment. During each of the follow-up visits we check the oral hygiene and the depth of the pockets. The combination of professional prevention and surgical procedures helps in maintaining teeth for life.